
Zübat Ultimate 330-6.5-7.5 Saw Blade

52,96 €
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Spare part | Cutting length 33 cm | curved | Progressive serration 6.5 - 7.5
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Product Details


With the cleverly arranged progressive serration of 7.5 serrations per 30 mm in the first 2/3 of the saw blade to 6.5 serrations per 30 mm at the saw blade tip, cutting succeeds without the saw teeth getting stuck in the wood and then removing a lot of wood with one pull at full speed.
The Zübat Ultimate saw blade is also the first saw blade to feature Silky's new Gokai-Me serration. The saw blade has 4 scraper-shaped teeth that ensure optimal removal of sawdust. Together with the other unsheared serrations, the Zübat Ultimate saw blade provides excellent performance in both rip cuts, cross cuts and bevel cuts.
The full blade is nickel-plated, which provides a wear-resistant surface and protects against rust. The curved shape works perfectly when cutting above shoulder height and keeps the saw in the cut.

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Item number HS330U-E


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