Choker Joker Light

83,18 €
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Friction saver | choking | 110 cm | loops for carabiners | EN 795-B
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Product Details


Versatile friction saver by FTC, which can be used choking at the trunk or at the top of a tree in a branch fork. Choker Joker Light can be used with carabiners and pulleys. With the additional loops in the webbing, the friction saver can be adjusted in length – depending on how much freedom of movement is required, for example. Pulleys or carabiners can be attached to different loops.

The Choker Joker Light is certified for use with 2 persons. It can therefore be used in rescue situations as well – as it can take both, the working and the ascent rope.

The all-rounder by FTC allows for quick and easy retrieval from the ground. Comes with maillon link and aluminum retriever ball.

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adjustable No
Item number VJC110
Norm EN 795-B
Length 110 cm
Lifetime from from date of manufacture
Maximum Life Time 10.00
Maximum storage life 0.00
Maximum service life 10.00


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